Hope you are there God, hope you are listening

With folded hands & tears in eyes,

I bow down before you,

While I raise my voice.

I stand before you today,

All broken and shattered,

Deceived and destroyed,

By all those who mattered .

There is an imminent void in my eyes,

That were once bright and glistening.

Hope you are there God,

Hope you are listening.

For years I have,

Eulogized your existence,

In situations good or bad,

My faith has remained persistent.

Whenever people shook my confidence,

By their constant stern glares,

You always came to my rescue,

By answering all my prayers.

Why this phenomenon now has,

Ceased its divine re-occuring.

Hope you are there God,

Hope you are listening.

What I have been through,

In the past few years,

Is certainly not the way,

God treats his dears and nears.

Rowing the boat of helplessness,

I intend to travel the sea of despair.

The tides are high,

And the chances of survival seem rare.

Show me the way,

Lighten my suffering.

Hope you are there God,

Hope you are listening.

For it’s not the question of my faith alone,

Which is on the verge of declining.

It’s for everyone who seeks your refuge,

In times that are testing & intertwining.

Hold my hand as I seek forgiveness for my heinous deeds,

To err is human & we are all Homo Sapien breeds,

My desolated soul indeed is,

In need of your divine caressing,

Hope you are there God,

Hope you are listening.

Grant me the strength,

Address this unheard prayer,

For your silence indeed is,

The most deafening sound to hear.

Calm this storm,

Before it destroys my belief in your existing,

Hope you are there God,

Hope you are listening.

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Common symptoms of an Uncommon LOVE!!!

Life becomes worthwhile,

When someone becomes the reason behind your smile,

No light was ever so bright,
As it seems to be now,
The music suddenly got more melodious,
All I wonder is “How”?
Doing things that “I”,
Never thought could ever do,
Why am I doing all this,
I fail to find a clue.

The world is so much beautiful,
When I see it through your eyes,
For people when its sunny,
I see the cloudy skies,
Never before have I felt,
Such intense mood swings,
Living in my own world,
I am actually flying without wings.

I don’t know the future,
For it doesn’t come with a hint,
The more I think about it,
The more I get stuck in its Labyrinth,

Amidst all the uncertainities,
One thing is for sure,
My feelings for you,
Are true, intense and pure.

Your presence in my life,
Is the best thing I can treasure,
The joy you bring to me,
No instrument can ever measure,
For somethings in life,
Better be abstract,
So that the beauty of this relation,
May always remain intact!!!!!!!!!!!

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